Revolutionizing Sports Markets

Product Market Fit

The world of sports markets is a clear product market fit of a decentralized programmable network with integrated payments, such as the Ethereum Network. This has long been unexplored within the space, mostly due to the difficulty of solving on-chain liquidity and market making for this type of markets. Incrementally solving a robust collateralization architecture, then an automated market making layer and a publicly available liquidity pool as the foundation, Thales Protocol has effectively solved these core issues and is ready to dominate this massive product market fit. Thales is paving the way for onboarding the next millions of retail users on ethereum, facilitating global liquidity arbitrage between regional sportsbooks and providing a full suite white label solution for any developer wanting to create their own sports markets application.

Global Use Case

Not only is Thales Protocol making Sports Markets available for everyday users to place their positions without any unfair limits or necessary permissions but it’s also available for institutional entities to execute global arbitrage and offload risk with the same permissionless nature against locally segregated platforms. For the first time ever, there is a secure and open globally accessible platform that any entity from all over the world can use to hedge, offload risk or just tap into the liquidity of. With a permissionless smart-contract based liquidity architecture and automated market making, Thales is connecting the world of sports markets in an unprecedented way.

Free and Permissionless White Label Solution

With an open API available to any developer, connecting to Thales infrastructure is very simple where the only friction point to any entity can only be the accessibility to crypto assets. If you want to access Thales Sports Markets to build your own Sports Markets application or integrate Thales to your existing application, you can find all the neccesary documentation here: {{{}}}}

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