THALES Token Info

Most relevant THALES token information compressed into a single page

THALES token is a fixed-supply standard ERC-20 token on the Ethereum network. It is utilized and available on Ethereum Mainnet and main Layer 2 Ethereum Networks: Optimism, Arbitrum and Base.

THALES token utility

Main purpose of the THALES token is to act as a Governance Token of the Thales Protocol. Whoever is staking THALES tokens has voting power equal to the amount of tokens they are staking, for the Thales DAO election. Thales DAO elections are used to elect the Thales Council, main governing body of the Thales DAO comprising seven seats chosen by the Thales community. You can learn more about the Thales Governance Structure on this Governance Page.

Other than granting voting power, THALES token staking makes the user eligible for weekly inflationary THALES token Staking Rewards and pure stablecoin Protocol Rewards.

Inflationary Staking Rewards distributed weekly started at 40,000 THALES split pro rata across all stakers on all supported networks, reducing by -0.5% every subsequent week. Synchronization of Staking Rewards across networks is done using Chainlink CCIP, unifying the APY regardless of on what network you stake.

Protocol Rewards are awarded to all THALES stakers also on a pro rata basis, equally distributing the Weekly Fee Accrual of the entire Protocol across all stakers. Stakers on Optimism are able to claim Protocol Rewards denominated in sUSD, Arbitrum in USDC and Base also in USDC.

Where can I acquire the THALES token?

The THALES token has deep liquidity available on various Decentralized Exchange pairs on Optimism, Arbitrum and Base networks. For best swap execution we suggest using any prominent DEX Aggregator such as 1inch, LlamaSwap, Paraswap or Matcha. Be careful to double check you are swapping for the official THALES token contracts on supported networks:

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